Respecting Life Ministry
To inspire and engage respect for all human life from natural conception through natural death with prayer, education, advocacy and support.
Ways to participate
Prayer Actions:
- Be a prayer warrior for Life! Pray for our ministry and for all hearts and minds to embrace and support life. Receive prayer alerts.
- Provide intercessions for Masses that foster respect for life.
- Participate in and help plan special, pro-life liturgies & Holy Hours.
- Participate in and help plan the annual Memorial Mass for the Holy Innocents: babies lost to abortion, miscarriage or other infant or childhood death.
- Pray with us outside of abortion clinics
Education Actions:
- Write articles on life issues to include in parish bulletin, emails and newsletters for the parish
- Help plan and facilitate Pro Life speaker events
Advocacy Actions:
- Join us each year at the Arizona March for Life at the state capitol (usually in February)
- Help to monitor state legislation impacting life to keep the parish informed
Support Actions:
- Support Catholic pregnancy resource centers by attending fundraisers and/or donating
- Participate in and help facilitate our Respecting Life Baby Bottle Drive (in October). Funds donated to a local pregnancy resource center. In 2023, funds will go to Life Choices Women’s Clinic. (
- Serve on the RLM Steering Committee which meets monthly at 6pm in the Adult Faith formation building. This committee provides leadership to direct and support Respecting Life Activities at St. Gabriel.
- Share Respecting Life Ministry mission and activities with family and friends.
There is a place for everyone on the Respecting Life Committee. We are fueled by truth, love and charity and the passion our parishioners have for the dignity of life keep us active. We are always looking for new members. Whether you have five minutes to pray, an hour to research or write or time to help plan and execute events, we welcome you!
Sign up to become a member

Remembrance Hearts
The Respecting Life Ministry offers a pair of Remembrance Hearts to those who have lost an infant in pregnancy due to miscarriage or abortion or have lost a child for any reason. Hearts are inscribed with a name, date or special message. One heart will remain in our Perpetual Memorial for the Holy Innocents located in a special part of our narthex and the other heart is yours to keep. Complete the form below to request a pair of hearts.