Giving just got easier
In order to make giving easier than ever, we are moving to a new online giving platform called PUSHPAY. During this transition, all recurring gifts will need to be transferred from the old platform to the new platform by Thu, Oct 24.
Eucharistic Adoration
In need of committed adorers, Please consider a weekly date with Jesus, helping us to offer Adoration to our school, parish & community.
St. Gabriel Choir
St. Gabriel Choir is seeking qualified volunteers for our sacred prayer & music ministry.
Vote NO On Prop 139
Proposition 139 allows for unrestricted, unregulated abortion, including painful late-term abortion - up until birth. It allows abortion beyond viability for virtually any reason if the abortionist – who stands to profit from it – signs off on it. Abortion is legal in Arizona up to 15-weeks, nearly four months.
Upcoming Events
Men's Bible Study
Saturday Mornings, 9:00-10:00am in the Adult Faith Building, 2nd Fl., St. Gabriel Room
Coffee and Donuts
Donuts Have Returned! Please stop by and enjoy a cup of coffee and a donut and help us support our sponsored youth in the Unbound program.
Adult Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation is Back! Join us on Tuesdays this Fall at 6:00pm in the Adult Faith Formation Bldg., 2nd FL, St. Gabriel Room
Moms Group
All Moms are invited to join us for our Moms Group on Thu, Oct 17 from 8:15am-10:15am in the Faith Formation Bldg, 2nd Fl. Padre Pio Room. We will have a Catered Breakfast!
Wings Fall Bake Sale
Come and get your favorite treats after all the masses the weekend of Oct 19/20.
Widow Warrior Ministry
The Widow Warriors Ministry provides encouragement, comfort, and empathy to women following the death of their husband. It also provides physical, emotional and spiritual support to recent widows during their time of mourning and grief. This is a sisterhood of recent widows who celebrate life, friendship, and fellowship. Ministry meetings begin again on the second and last Wednesdays of the month at 9:00am in the Adult Faith Formation Bldg. 2nd FI. Padre Pio Room