
Eucharistic Adoration
In need of committed adorers, Please consider a weekly date with Jesus, helping us to offer Adoration to our school, parish & community.
Upcoming Events

St. Gabriel the Archangel Leader's Mixer
These mixers are designed to catch us all up on all the latest news and to hear from our fellow coworkers in Christ about what’s happening in their respective ministries, all while enjoying wine and Hors d'oeuvres!

That Man is You!
All men of the parish are welcome to join us Friday's this Spring for That Man is You at 6:30am.

Wings Spring Bake Sale
Stop by the courtyard before and after all masses the weekend of Feb 8/9 to pick up some yummy goodies! Cookies, cakes, pies, breads & more!

Widow Warrior Ministry
2nd and last Wednesday of the month, 9:00am in the Adult Faith Formation Bldg. 2nd FI. Padre Pio Room

Annual Winter Clothing Drive
Annual Winter Clothing Drive will be held the weekend of Feb 22/23. All donations will be collected before all the masses.

St. Gabriel Lenten Retreat: Spiritual Warfare in the Family
All are welcome to join us on Fri, Mar 7 at St. Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Church at 6:45pm.

WINGS Lenten Women's Retreat - Equipping Families for Victory in Spiritual Battles: The Healing Power of Holiness with Kathleen Beckman
All Women of the parish are invited to attend the WINGS Lenten Retreat on Sat, Mar 8 at St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish Hall from 9:00am-3:00pm.

AZ March for Life
Keep Marching for Life with St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish!

Multi-Parish Retreat
All teens are welcome to join us the weekend of March 21-23 for a multi-parish retreat beginning at 4:00pm.