
Parish Couple Marriage Preparation

Your wedding day is only the beginning of a lifetime commitment. Engaged couples - please contact the parish office nine to twelve months before your intended wedding date or before you set a wedding date to begin your preparation. You should plan to meet regularly during this period with the parish Marriage Preparation Coordinator. In addition to discussing the sacramental, spiritual and liturgical aspects of a wedding and marriage, you will participate in the “Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding and Study” (FOCCUS) marriage preparation inventory process. During this time, you will also meet the parish Wedding Liturgy Coordinator and the Director of Sacred Music.

The various documents needed from you will be discussed, such as baptism certificates, certificates of completion from the diocesan Marriage Preparation programs, etc.

Please view all details for Diocesan Couple Marriage formation here.

The Parish Marriage Preparation Coordinator will help acquaint you with the diocesan marriage preparation requirements. These include a Marriage Life-Skills Course, God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage Seminar, and Natural Family Planning Instruction